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desapropriado para menores de 18 anos.
mardi 24 janvier 2012
Les mecs saouls sont sexes! The drunk guys are sex
Small anecdote of evening or the alcohol was the party. I was with friends, every heterosexuals, return of night club. The only one about was not alcoholized, it was me (yes yes). Arrived on the central square or we are used to meeting, before parting to join our various apartments, one of my friends very incited on evening past and not having managed to find a girl to finish the evening (nevertheless he is very cute, I sometimes wonder if the girls would not need glasses lol), challenges us with a bet which the other friends qualified from completely stupid!All the return by car he said to us that he was too much HOT and that arrived at home he shall not miss to shake to calm down... Obviously he had any sorts of mockeries on behalf of the others... When he said to us, in front of the car; " and if we made a competition of masturbation to see who of us five enjoy most fast? " Others treated him of crazy, safe... me! Well I played the situation by accusing them of deflated, cowards etc.... Due to attacking them on their incapacity, they accept. Here we are aligned in one shelters of bus outside the view of possible passers-by, whatever at the present time this the place is deserted, unbuttoned pants and cock in the hand.Each masturbates with more or less of conviction. The game will last neighborhood 10 minutes with comments of the most amusing: " ho I am too drunk I arrive not. " " mine is bigger than yours ". " I by caressing my testicles I arrive faster there ". " Ah if i had a girl to suck me you would see how I shall have beaten you "... In brief, all the mode laughs and comments until I exclaim " Its is there! I enjoy! " In front of the eyes I brings out a big spurt of sperm! They are a little hurt to be beaten, but to very fast after me the friend who had launched bets enjoyed too. Three others will give up by pleading that the situation does not allow them to enjoy... This evening there, without that they are really aware of it, they allowed me to see their cock in action and incited me until the enjoyment. Thank you the friends...
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