How to doubt it? We are indeed in the Christmas time, streets are illuminated, stores are full of people, the high speakers with " jingle bells " " small dad Christmas " and the other hymns, and in the case or we would still doubt, outside you are going to be so cold, it will be necessary to cover you (that reminds me lyrics not?). As usual, (the other title of song of the heritage) I am late on the purchase of presents, half of my list is missing, and I miss cruelly ideas. Every year it is the same thing, to find the present which is going to please and original. I wonder what I am going to have for Christmas, I sent my list but it adorned that I am too much requiring for the Father Christmas, he says to me that he is not rather rich to offer me a new car, a screen LCD of 120 cms, a world tour on a sailboat, the repair completes of my apartment, and a harem 100 more beautiful guys of the earth. Thus, I call it to your good heart, dear readers Do not forget my small shoe. I know, I dream.
L'accès est réservé aux adultes exclusivement. Son contenu a pour vocation de partager avec des personnes qui ne sont pas choquées par la nudité masculine et sont capables d'accepter les différences dans le respect. Vous êtes tenus par les dispositions pénales en vigueur en France de ne pas le montrer au mineur. SI VOUS ETES MINEUR, NE LISEZ PAS CE SITE ET QUITTEZ LE. En aucun cas, le contenu de ce blog ne vise à enfreindre quelque texte de loi que ce soit. Si vous rencontrez sur ce site une photo qui vous appartient de droit, faites le moi savoir et je la supprimerais aussitôt.
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desapropriado para menores de 18 anos.
jeudi 16 décembre 2010
A la recherche des cadeaux.
How to doubt it? We are indeed in the Christmas time, streets are illuminated, stores are full of people, the high speakers with " jingle bells " " small dad Christmas " and the other hymns, and in the case or we would still doubt, outside you are going to be so cold, it will be necessary to cover you (that reminds me lyrics not?). As usual, (the other title of song of the heritage) I am late on the purchase of presents, half of my list is missing, and I miss cruelly ideas. Every year it is the same thing, to find the present which is going to please and original. I wonder what I am going to have for Christmas, I sent my list but it adorned that I am too much requiring for the Father Christmas, he says to me that he is not rather rich to offer me a new car, a screen LCD of 120 cms, a world tour on a sailboat, the repair completes of my apartment, and a harem 100 more beautiful guys of the earth. Thus, I call it to your good heart, dear readers Do not forget my small shoe. I know, I dream.
Pourquoi te contenter "d'un harem des 100 plus beau mecs de la terre." ? Ça fait petit bras ! Le moindre terroriste d'Al Qaida n'a-t-il pas droit à mille esclaves sexuels ? Et vierges qui plus est ! Pour le reste, lance une souscription. J'offre le premier euro.