Well, I admit, I did not rack to myself the head for the title but for my defense I had no idea! You will content yourselves with it of the blow! Lol for the day note, I double the photos of faces, underwear, frontal and back nude and hots because two it is better that one. I bet that nobody is going to contradict me... There is also my contribution with an extract of a series on one of my pair of underpants " the lined pair of underpants ". By speaking about contribution I would like that you send me your personal photos I miss it! Do not forget that to admire it is also necessary to participate would be nice. Thank you in advance.
mercredi 29 septembre 2010
la fin du troisième trimestre 2010 The end of the third quarter 2010
Bon, j'avoue, je ne me suis pas creusé la tête pour le titre mais pour ma défense je n'avais pas d'idée! Vous vous en contenterez du coup ! lol pour le billet du jour, je double les photos de visages, de sous-vêtements, nu frontal et arrière et les hots car deux c'est mieux qu'une. je parie que personne ne va me contredire...Il y a aussi ma contribution avec un extrait d'une série sur un de mes slip "le slip rayé". En parlant de contribution j'aimerais bien que vous m'envoyez vos photos personnelles j'en manque! N'oubliez pas que pour admirer il faut aussi participer se serait sympathique. Merci d'avance.
Well, I admit, I did not rack to myself the head for the title but for my defense I had no idea! You will content yourselves with it of the blow! Lol for the day note, I double the photos of faces, underwear, frontal and back nude and hots because two it is better that one. I bet that nobody is going to contradict me... There is also my contribution with an extract of a series on one of my pair of underpants " the lined pair of underpants ". By speaking about contribution I would like that you send me your personal photos I miss it! Do not forget that to admire it is also necessary to participate would be nice. Thank you in advance.
Well, I admit, I did not rack to myself the head for the title but for my defense I had no idea! You will content yourselves with it of the blow! Lol for the day note, I double the photos of faces, underwear, frontal and back nude and hots because two it is better that one. I bet that nobody is going to contradict me... There is also my contribution with an extract of a series on one of my pair of underpants " the lined pair of underpants ". By speaking about contribution I would like that you send me your personal photos I miss it! Do not forget that to admire it is also necessary to participate would be nice. Thank you in advance.
mercredi 22 septembre 2010
Voici un spécial "VINCE AZZOPARDI"! Pourquoi lui?... Parce qu'il me plait tellement que dès que je vois une photo de lui j'ai une énorme bosse sous mon boxer...Il est né le 14/04/1988à Coventry en Angleterre. Il est passionné d'arts martiaux, faits du kick boxing . taille: 1m87 pour 80 kilos. Par contre, désolé de vous décevoir, mais ce garçon aime les filles! Pour se consoler, admirons le , en détail... Je ferais parfois d'autres "spécial" sur des mecs, en préparation, par exemple, Brent EVERETT ou encore Kris EVANS...
Here were special one "VINCE AZZOPARDI"! Why him?... Because I so like that as soon as I see a photo of him I have an enormous bump under my short... He was born 14 / 04 / 1988à Coventry in England. He is fascinated by martial arts, made by the kickboxing. Size: 1m87 for 80 kilos. On the other hand, sorry to disappoint you, but this boy loves the girls! To console, let us admire, in detail... I would sometimes make the others "special" on guys, in preparation, for example, Brent EVERETT or still Kris EVANS...
Here were special one "VINCE AZZOPARDI"! Why him?... Because I so like that as soon as I see a photo of him I have an enormous bump under my short... He was born 14 / 04 / 1988à Coventry in England. He is fascinated by martial arts, made by the kickboxing. Size: 1m87 for 80 kilos. On the other hand, sorry to disappoint you, but this boy loves the girls! To console, let us admire, in detail... I would sometimes make the others "special" on guys, in preparation, for example, Brent EVERETT or still Kris EVANS...
lundi 20 septembre 2010
Les chataignes sont là...ça sent l'automne! Sweet chestnuts are there it feels the autumn
les premières châtaignes tombent, un bon indicateur pour nous rappeler que l'automne nous guette. Aurais-je la nostalgie de l'été? ..Oui! c'est passé trop vite! Je vais devoir ranger bientôt maillot de plage et serviette pour au moins sept mois! Mais l'automne c'est aussi de belles couleurs dans la nature, les champignons...Ah oui! Les champignons, j'aime beaucoup ça!! Alors, voici une sélection de beaux champignons...très comestibles!!
The first sweet chestnuts fall, a good informer to call back us that the autumn watches for us. Would I have the nostalgia for the summer?.. Yes! It is too fast spent! I am going to have to tidy up soon shirt of beach and towel for at least seven months! But the autumn it is also beautiful colors in the nature, the mushrooms... Ah yes! Mushrooms, I like very much that!! Then, here is a selection of beautiful very edible mushrooms!!
The first sweet chestnuts fall, a good informer to call back us that the autumn watches for us. Would I have the nostalgia for the summer?.. Yes! It is too fast spent! I am going to have to tidy up soon shirt of beach and towel for at least seven months! But the autumn it is also beautiful colors in the nature, the mushrooms... Ah yes! Mushrooms, I like very much that!! Then, here is a selection of beautiful very edible mushrooms!!
Oh! le joli champignon...Oh! the lovely mushroom
mercredi 1 septembre 2010
la fin de lété 2010!! the end of summer 2010 !
C'est la fin des vacances, les touristes sont partis le Week end dernier ! C'est flagrant , vendredi les plages étaient encore bondées et dimanche je n'avais que l'embarras du choix pour étendre ma serviette... Fini les jolis mecs à mater sur la plage, plus de petits culs blancs qui circulent devant vous et vous font monter la température. Le bilan est quand même bon avec quelques belles rencontres et des moments torrides. Je dois me résigner, mon royaume est déserté je reste (presque) seul sur l'immensité du sable à me faire dorer encore mes fesses grâce aux derniers rayons du soleil. pour se consoler, une sélection de garçons de la plage plus une photo de moi en string blanc sur cette fameuse plage ainsi qu'une contribution de badboy du 93 qui est un peu timide et ne laisse pas voir son visage...lol .J'attends vos photos souvenir de cet été histoire qu'on admire votre bronzage. Envoyez les à artsogay@live.fr.
It's the end of the holidays, the tourists left the last Weekend! It is blatant, on Friday beaches were still crammed and on Sunday I had only the very wide choice to spread my towel... Finished the attractive guys to put down on the beach, no small white bottoms which circulate in front of you and make you the temperature rise. The balance sheet is good all the same with some beautiful meetings and hot moments. I have to resign myself, my kingdom is left I remain (almost ) alone on the unlimitedness of the sand to be gilded still my buttocks thanks to the last beams of the sun. To console, boys' selection of the beach and a photo of me in white G-string on this famous beach as well as a contribution of badboy of 93 who is a little bit shy and does not let see the face lol .I wait for your souvenir photos of this summer for to admire your bronzing. Send in artsogay@live.fr.
It's the end of the holidays, the tourists left the last Weekend! It is blatant, on Friday beaches were still crammed and on Sunday I had only the very wide choice to spread my towel... Finished the attractive guys to put down on the beach, no small white bottoms which circulate in front of you and make you the temperature rise. The balance sheet is good all the same with some beautiful meetings and hot moments. I have to resign myself, my kingdom is left I remain (almost ) alone on the unlimitedness of the sand to be gilded still my buttocks thanks to the last beams of the sun. To console, boys' selection of the beach and a photo of me in white G-string on this famous beach as well as a contribution of badboy of 93 who is a little bit shy and does not let see the face lol .I wait for your souvenir photos of this summer for to admire your bronzing. Send in artsogay@live.fr.
photo de badboy 93 23ans. Vous aussi envoyez vos photos à artsogay@live.fr
photo of badboy93 23years old. You to send me your photos to artsogay@live.fr