L'accès est réservé aux adultes exclusivement. Son contenu a pour vocation de partager avec des personnes qui ne sont pas choquées par la nudité masculine et sont capables d'accepter les différences dans le respect. Vous êtes tenus par les dispositions pénales en vigueur en France de ne pas le montrer au mineur. SI VOUS ETES MINEUR, NE LISEZ PAS CE SITE ET QUITTEZ LE. En aucun cas, le contenu de ce blog ne vise à enfreindre quelque texte de loi que ce soit. Si vous rencontrez sur ce site une photo qui vous appartient de droit, faites le moi savoir et je la supprimerais aussitôt.
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This blog contains images or videos of nude men. You must be of legal age to be here and view. If you are not please leave. The images here have been found all over the web. If there is an image you have rights to and would like removed, please send a message, and the photography or videos will be removed.
desapropriado para menores de 18 anos.
mardi 27 mars 2012
SPECIAL " Ton sexe dépasse du short" your sex overtakes of the shorts
With the fashion of "saggers", we get an eyeful in the street by seeing a part of underwear of the guy and by guessing the curve of buttocks and sometimes even, for extremes, that of the sex. (I have already made a special saggers, to see the comment of october 13th,2010 ). Today, it is the case of testicles or penis that exceed, sometimes in a involuntary way of the pair of shorts, observable often in sport or to the beach. So, if you do not want that arrives to you, avoid the pair of underpants under the pair of shorts, or to have no undermear under the pair of shorts. Finally, do not follow the advice which I have just indicated, otherwise we would have more the possibility of seeing the images below!!!
samedi 24 mars 2012
mardi 20 mars 2012
les mecs hétéros curieux! The curious heterosexual guys
It is the phenomenon that I see more and more on site gays, chats, in the places of trying to pick up. They claim to be heterosexual curious. Least that we can say it is effectively curious!!! I have many heterosexual friends and consider me, they know that I am gay, they accept " as they say ", but if they chuckle with me on it, never they had the curiosity to try whatever it is. Why?
Because they are really heterosexual and just the idea to see a naked guy attracts them in no way, on the contrary, for some it them feel reluctant! Conclusion, the guys who claim to be " curious heterosexuals " are guys who do not admit their truth sexuality, namely the bisexuality! Certainly, I suit that there are several degrees, for some will be some a light bisexuality preferring the girls but not refusing itself a small experiment with a guy of the style " masturbate between friends ", " I touches you,and you touches me " I call " a spade, a spade"! As colors, the red is red, with nuances (clear, dark, lively) but the base is red! Then, stop this hypocrisy, to yourself often, you will be in peace with your truth personality.