L'accès est réservé aux adultes exclusivement. Son contenu a pour vocation de partager avec des personnes qui ne sont pas choquées par la nudité masculine et sont capables d'accepter les différences dans le respect. Vous êtes tenus par les dispositions pénales en vigueur en France de ne pas le montrer au mineur. SI VOUS ETES MINEUR, NE LISEZ PAS CE SITE ET QUITTEZ LE. En aucun cas, le contenu de ce blog ne vise à enfreindre quelque texte de loi que ce soit. Si vous rencontrez sur ce site une photo qui vous appartient de droit, faites le moi savoir et je la supprimerais aussitôt.
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This blog contains images or videos of nude men. You must be of legal age to be here and view. If you are not please leave. The images here have been found all over the web. If there is an image you have rights to and would like removed, please send a message, and the photography or videos will be removed.
desapropriado para menores de 18 anos.
samedi 27 novembre 2010
Je bouges! I move !
I dare to face the cold and to move in our country in December. Look if by chance I do notpass by of at home! I remind that it is necessary to look to the right at the place of my movements, but some are too much occupied with looking at photos without reading nor looking in quoted at the various sections... I understands you... Thus for those who would read I am thus ready to meet you, to discuss, either to photograph you or if you want to photograph me... Contact I by my e-mail.
mercredi 17 novembre 2010
ha! La politique! the politics!
Yesterday evening, the president of the republic made his speech and in succession after the opponents spoke about his intervention. Result, I have the impression that all this small world fights above to take the place but finally not concerns that not enough our fate to us. Who really detain the power? The politics either the financiers and the banks? In brief, me my politics it is everybody nudes and of the sex still of the sex. At least during this time there we do not think of the money and the power!
samedi 13 novembre 2010
Today, in this file we are going to study in detail Dominik TROJAN. He was born in 1986 in PRAGUE. He is thus Czech. he is an actor of gay pornographic movies. He measures 1m86 for 66 kilos. The size of his penis is of 17,5cm. He turned in 45 productions. His passions are the football, the motor racing and the photography which he studies. Let us study now his body under all the angles...
lundi 8 novembre 2010
les expressions utilisées pour parler du penis! The expressions used to speak about the dick
I enjoied making a small search on the expressions used to speak about our dick. I was not disappointed and to go to see you that the list is long. There are words which we often use, the others are rarer or forgotten or typical in a region or a movie. You can so rename your sex with one of these words for those who would not still have to give a name to their dick. Saddened for the English translation because they are words connected to the French language and for some the translation cannot be made really, thus I do not venture to translate the list.
Aiguille. Asperge. Baobab. Baguette. Baigneur. Banane. Barreau de chaise. Bâton. Batte. Bazar. Bête. Bébitte. Biniou. Biscuit. Bistouquette. Bite. Boudoir.Braquemart (ou Braquemard) à l'origine c'est une courte épée employée au XVIe siècle. Calibre. carotte. chauve à col roulé. Chibre : dénomination très fréquente dans les romans érotiques anciens. Chinois. Chipolata. Cierge. Clito et non ce n'est ni une erreur, ni une blague : dans le milieu des travestis et des transsexuelles, le pénis est surnommé le "clito". Concombre. Cyclope. Dard. Démonte-pneu. Élastique.Engin. Esquimau. Flûte. Gosse. Gourdin. Instrument. Jonc. Joystick. Lame . Lance. Lingam (dans le Kama-sutra). Manche. Marteau piqueur (extrait d'une réplique de José Garcia dans la Vérité si je mens). Mastar. Mât. Matraque. Membre. Mentule (ancien - très utilisé dans la traduction d'Alcide Bonneau (1882) du manuel d'érotologie classique de Friedrich-Karl Forberg (1770-1848). Missile. Mouillette. Nem. Nouille. Nœud. Ogive. Outil. Ouzbé. P'tit joufflu (Perret). Perche. Périscope. Petit Jésus (Mettre le petit Jésus dans la crèche). Pic. Picoulette.Pieu. Pine. Pipo. Pistolet. Poireau.Popol. Poutre. Quéquette. Quêtte. Queue. Quille. Quiqui. Robinet. Rossigol. Saucisse. Sexibus. Scoubidou. Sucette. Sucre d'orge. Tchanem : Mot mélanésien (Nouvelle-Calédonie) désignant le sexe de l'homme. Tête chercheuse. Teube. Tige. Torpille. Trique. Turlututu (expression rwandaise: Tutsi, Tutsi, turlute Hutue...). Verge. Zézette. Zgeg. Zigounette. Zizi. Zob.
- anglais : Dick, Cock, Knob, Gun
- Dick Rivers signifie donc "Rivière de bites"
- allemand : Schwanz
- arabe : Zob, Zboube
- bambara (langue parlé au Mali) : Wulu
- espagnol : Guevo, Cipote, Polla, Pene, Martillo
- italien : Bellino, Cazzo
- néerlandais : Pik, Lul, Piemel.
vidéo cours privés 02
Another part of the movie " cours privés " than you have already had on a previous message... have a nice moment!!