The black and white charm of the photo. this special is the number 2, if you want to see the first number, go to the page of 06/05/10 where is the first number.
L'accès est réservé aux adultes exclusivement. Son contenu a pour vocation de partager avec des personnes qui ne sont pas choquées par la nudité masculine et sont capables d'accepter les différences dans le respect. Vous êtes tenus par les dispositions pénales en vigueur en France de ne pas le montrer au mineur. SI VOUS ETES MINEUR, NE LISEZ PAS CE SITE ET QUITTEZ LE. En aucun cas, le contenu de ce blog ne vise à enfreindre quelque texte de loi que ce soit. Si vous rencontrez sur ce site une photo qui vous appartient de droit, faites le moi savoir et je la supprimerais aussitôt.
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This blog contains images or videos of nude men. You must be of legal age to be here and view. If you are not please leave. The images here have been found all over the web. If there is an image you have rights to and would like removed, please send a message, and the photography or videos will be removed.
desapropriado para menores de 18 anos.
mercredi 27 octobre 2010
The black and white charm of the photo. this special is the number 2, if you want to see the first number, go to the page of 06/05/10 where is the first number.
mardi 19 octobre 2010
j'ai mis le chauffage! I put the heating
The temperatures fall to achieve at night hardly 5 to 6 degrees!! The weather is beautiful but the cold is there too. I have of to switch on the boiler to warm my apartment. Finity of the blow the night-ballads almost naked in the places of trying to pick up. Well, it remains internet or the sauna to pick up but it is so more erotic outdoor. That you want, it is of season, we are more for the period the turtlenecks than mini swimsuits. it is going to need to wait before seeing again beautiful guys in small dress .For to warm you a selection of photos. 23 years old of which the participation of " snoop " he is from 75. To participate you too send month your photos in
dimanche 10 octobre 2010
Il pleut, c'est la fête à la grenouille! It's raining, it's the party for the frog!
I am certain whom you will be satisfied by reading this message in several weeks, to see months, to know that this day, it rained at home... What? Who said " it is insignificant?? " But you do not think of all these poor frogs which were so happy this day? And I who protest locked at home? How? Who said " stop with your stupid papers . and show us of the beautiful guys? " Well... I understood, I stop... But all the same, I would like to add... Why you threaten me of fists? Well OK... OK... Here's photos!!
mardi 5 octobre 2010
série vendange pour le vin grape harvest for the wine
une nouvelle série de photo de moi que j'ai fait sur le thème des vendanges. Elle est bien dans la saison de l'automne... J'ai veillé à ce que toutes les grappes de raisin soient dans le tonneau après en avoir sorti le jus avec l'instrument "pressoir" que vous pouvez voir sur la dernière image. Il faut maintenant patienter avant de boire le jus du tonneau. Espérons que ce sera un bon millésime avec son secret de fabrication que j'ai rajouté juste avant de fermer le bouchon du tonneau, voir la aussi la dernière image pour avoir une idée sur ce fameux secret de fabrication.
A new series of photo of me whom I made on the theme of the grape harvests.It is good in the season of the autumn... I watched that all the bunches of grapes are in the barrel having taken out the juice of it with the instrument "press" which you can see on the last image. It is now necessary to wait before drinking the juice of the barrel. Let us hope that it will be a good wine year with its trade secret which I added just before closing the cork of the barrel, seeing also the last image to have an idea on this famous trade secret.